Lakeshore Cancer Center is the 1st Operational Facility in Nigeria solely dedicated to cancer prevention and treatment! Our team consist of certified cancer specialists and a cross section of highly dedicated and passionate professionals. LCC also has strong ties to the oldest cancer center in the world – Roswell Park Cancer Institute (RPCI) located in Buffalo, New York. We offer a wide range of services including but not limited to:
- Personalized cancer care with highly trained team of doctors, nurses and other clinical professionals.
- Chemotherapy and immunotherapy following international NCCN guidelines (also skilled to monitor and manage side effects).
- Surgeries- minor surgeries such as biopsies, medical port insertions and major surgeries such as hysterectomies, mastectomies and laparoscopic procedures
- Supportive care such as Counselling, Nutritional support and Physiotherapy.
- Palliative care, home-care and pain management for both oncology and non-oncology patients.
- Access to extensive pool of International Cancer Experts both by periodic, short tenure at the Lakeshore Cancer Center and by Tele-Medicine.
- Access to medical testing and health-care professionals for cancer screening at special discounted rates with corporate and personal contracts. Screenings include various lab tests and imaging such as mammograms and ultrasound.
- Fully equipped laboratory, pharmacy, consultation rooms, surgical room, with screening, diagnostic and treatment facilities conveniently located on site.
Website: https://lakeshorecancercenter.org